Settlers of Patan – Expansion Pack

Settlers of Patan – Expansion Pack

We moved into our new property on May 1st 2014, and we quickly set about the task of making it our home (see our earlier post Settlers of Patan). The water situation was immensely better, even though at this property there was no connection to the city water. The only water coming in was either from a well that had been dug on the property or if that went dry we had to buy a tanker load.

Our initial contract is ending at the end of April, and we recently heard from the landlords that they would like to meet with us to discuss a new contract.

Prayer Requests

Pratiksha’s mum had a simple operation last Tuesday and is recovering well. She was released from the hospital on Sunday and now has a six week recuperation period which should consist of near-constant bed rest. Please pray for her full and speedy recovery.

Phil & Pratiksha

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