Supporting us

Would you consider joining us in our mission?


This whole venture is something that we simply can’t do on our own and we’d be delighted if you would be part of the team that make it happen.

If you would like to support us financially, there is a charity in the UK that have recognised our work and agreed to act as a trust. They are the George Müller Charitable Trust – SKI. Through them, you can send donations, both one-off or regular monthly gifts, and they will ensure that we get the money PLUS the Gift Aid applicable tax (if you are a UK taxpayer).

You can download the donor pack from the link below. Please do contact us if any of this is unclear or you would like to talk further about our work. In the meantime, whether you decide to support us financially or not, please do hold us and our work in your prayers.

Phil & Pratiksha

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