Back 2 School!

Back 2 School!

Today I am going back to school! This is the first day of my online masters’ for Art & Design (Graphic Design) studying with the University of Hertfordshire.

I never thought I’d go back to studying as I wasn’t particularly good at it the first time! But needs must, and the requirements to get a visa to allow me to continue to volunteer with UMN means that I have to have a masters degree. The course I selected needed to be conducted all online so that I could complete it from Nepal, and it needed to fit within our limited budget restraints. I found the right course- University of Hertfordshire’s course is made up of six modules, over six semesters, completed over two years.

I am looking forward to what I will learn and anticipate that I will enhance the skills I already have and grow as a graphic designer. I also hope that by being taught, I will be able to pass that on and teach others, specifically those I work with here in Nepal.

I will be posting projects in the blog, and they can be followed with the ‘masters’ tag.

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